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KMO Building0811-1177-333
10% Off All Art Rp 100.000 Off Your First Order
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New Year New ME, Diskon 125k

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I want to start selling art. How does Arti work?

You create art, upload it, and we take care of the rest. Arti processes, prints, and ships your artwork for everyone to enjoy. All you have to do is focus on creating more art!

Here are the detailed steps of how you can successfully sell art on Arti:

  1. You create beautiful art.
    • No comment. You know this better than we do.
  1. Register to be reviewed by our Arti curators
    • Please fill in the form here to register to be an Arti artist.
    • Our curators will review your work and contact you with the next steps.
    • Please ensure you link your portfolio and that your works have a minimum of 300 ppi with a minimum size of 4000 x 6000px. This is to ensure high quality reproductions.
    • You maintain full rights to your art. Meaning you can sell your originals, sell on other platforms, do whatever you want with your art. The terms and conditions will be detailed in a License Agreement.
  1. I registered and have been accepted, now what?
    • Your work is done, go back to your studio and keep creating! Our team of curators and admins will properly list your artwork on Arti.
    • Our pricing is fixed across all products, so there is no need for you to set prices.
  1. How do I get paid?
    • You get paid a royalty fee % from every purchase with your art!
    • During your registration process we will have asked for your bank information for us to pay you.
    • We payout artists every following month.
    • Keep track of your earnings with our Artist dashboard from My Account.


Arti will market our website and all art prints for you. But it is always a good move to promote your art with your own story. If you are an artist, you will have a dedicated page that showcases all your work. Share this link to everyone and join us in our mission to spread art everywhere.

Other tips for our Artists

Check out our blog. We have a lot of content around being an Artist on Arti.


Have any other questions? Feel free to contact us here.

Also Available On:

Secure Payment

Fast Delivery

  • 5 - 10 Days

100% Guarantee

  • Shop securely with our 30 day return policy. We ensure the best quality products and will be responsible for any orders
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