You have to pay by transferring your total payment to one of the banks listed below before the deadline / date specified beforehand by email.
Pay by transfer via ATM, Internet Banking, Mobile Banking / SMS Banking.
Make a Payment confirmation on the “MY ACCOUNT> Profile” page as soon as you make a payment.
Cash deposited through the Bank
You have to pay by making a cash deposit of your total payment “directly” to the account of one of the banks listed below before the deadline / date specified beforehand by email.
Make a Payment confirmation on the “MY ACCOUNT> Profile” page as soon as you make a payment
If you have not paid your Order in full, your order will not be processed or sent.
If you still have not paid after the time limit / date has been set then your order will be considered void
List of payment Bank ARTI.ID:
PT. Arti Seni Indonesia No Rek: 178-0105123 BCA KCP Permata Hijau
Also Available On:
Pembayaran yang Aman
Pengiriman Cepat
5 - 10 Days
Garansi 100%
Berbelanja dengan aman dengan kebijakan pengembalian 30 hari. Kami memastikan produk dengan kualitas terbaik dan akan bertanggung jawab atas segala pesanan
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